Welcome to the Feng Shui Colors
What is Feng Shui? What do the colors
in the Feng Shui-universe mean?
In Feng Shui, colors are only one of the important aspects. Before we look at the meanings of different colors in Feng Shui in more detail, let us take a look at the whole picture.
So, what is Feng Shui exactly? The origins of Feng Shui can be traced back to ancient China. It is a philosophy of nature. Translated, Feng Shui means “the way of wind and water”. Feng Shui is the wind and the water. The focus of this philosophy is life in harmony with the environment.
[reduceazon-image align=”left” asin=”B0079NKEUC” locale=”us” height=”160″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41WmpzSX5iL._SL160_.jpg” width=”160″]In China, homes are already built for people in accordance with the tenets of Feng Shui. Apartments are also furnished using these principles. Originally, Feng Shui was practiced on a small scale, but was then applied on a large scale. Entire cities were planned on the basic principles of Feng Shui including the creation of landscapes and even cemeteries. In all big cities with a large Chinese population, Feng Shui is a part of everyday life as a system that was used and appreciated for centuries by the vast population of Asia.
Although the awareness and popularity of Feng Shui is increasing in Western countries, it is often dismissed as superstition, mysticism-nonsense or the like. However, Feng Shui follows absolutely logical and down to earth principles. The goal is a life with nature and not against it, a harmonization of man and nature.
The starting point of Feng Shui is also very reasonable. It is assumed that life is greatly influenced by the surrounding physical and emotional environment.
If our environment is full of negative things, it is very likely that they will influence our “soul”. Negative impacts could be moods such as indifference, resentment, hatred, lack of consideration for nature and people, or negative stress. There are also physical negativities such as noise, pollution, neglecting, decay and so on.
The situation is different, if we surround ourselves with positive things. Positive things such as love, kindness, sympathy, beauty and gratitude make us happy and our well-being is positively influenced.
[reduceazon-image align=”right” asin=”B00B3C1PA8″ locale=”us” height=”120″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41xjrGvbKBL._SL160_.jpg” width=”160″]With all the negative and positive things in Feng Shui, we talk about energy flow. Energy flows, everyone is exposed. But it is not just about the division of negative or positive energy flows. In Feng Shui, the focus is on the life energy, known as “Chi”. In order to create a harmonious environment, the ancient Chinese elements are also taken into account. These elements are fire, metal, earth, wood and water. Finally, the oppositions Yin and Yang are part of Feng Shui and are indispensable due to their stress field for a good flow of energy.
Using the teachings of Feng Shui, each person has the ability to change “his” energy flows to positive. And what place could be better than at home? We no longer live in caves, where all that mattered was that we were safe from animals and weather or that we had somewhere we could make a fire and sleep.
Our home is more than just the place where we go to sleep. It is usually the center of life for people, a retreat, a secure place. Or at least it should be so.
Based on this knowledge, Feng Shui plays an increasingly important role in Western architecture. In North America and Europe, more and more homeowners and architects are addressing this issue. Particularly in terms of interior design, Feng Shui plays an increasingly important role.
It is possible that modern stresses and the pace of life are also playing a role, because people are starting to think about how to design their homes to be as positive as possible. Anyone who contemplates these issues will inevitably be led to Feng Shui. But how can we use Feng Shui to create a harmonious environment?
House planning
[reduceazon-image align=”left” asin=”B001KB6DM2″ locale=”us” height=”113″ src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/31SypCf9ylL._SL160_.jpg” width=”160″]There are certain doctrines which dictate how one should divide his house or apartment. Once a dwelling has been built, it is of course difficult to divide each room. After this, it will only be possible to influence when moving in. As it is so difficult to align a room with Feng Shui principles afterwards, it is important to familiarize yourself with them beforehand, taking the usage of a room into account. This helps the so-called Feng Shui Bagua. I will discuss this in greater detail in a future article.
Furniture configurations
There are configurations that promote rather than inhibit the energy flow regarding Feng Shui. The furniture should be practical and not too large. In addition, corners and edges of furniture, which protrude into the space, have a negative effect. Here you can use plants that are carefully placed to ensure that they prevent the jamming of the life energy Chi.
Mirrors are often used to amplify energy. However, attention should be paid to the preparation and the environment of the room, as all energy flows are amplified, including the negatives.
Another very popular piece of furniture in Feng Shui is an indoor fountain. This is also regarded as an amplifier of energy flows. An indoor fountain can be used when more movement and activity is desired in a room.
Finally, I would like to mention Chimes, which can be used for the purpose of breaking fast energy flows.
Now that we have introduced the concepts of Feng Shui, we have reached colors, which are the focus of this website.
Information about Feng Shui in general and further details about most aspects can be found on the internet, which includes lots of very good reading material. In my opinion, the importance of color design has received far too little attention. For this reason, I have devoted myself to this aspect of Feng Shui with the aim of raising awareness of its importance. Of course, I will discuss the other aspects again and again, but the focus lies on the power of color in Feng Shui.
I also think that it is possible to change the energy of a room using colors. In contrast to Feng Shui furniture or room aspects, you can always take your colors with you.
Just let yourself be surprised. In the next chapter we start with the colors of Feng Shui.
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